Tuesday, May 4, 2010

week 14

This week has been very exciting already.  I learned that a fourteen week fetus can suck its thumb and frown.  haha.  I have a feeling if this baby is anything like me, (s)he is probably already frowning or pouting for some reason by now.  Only twenty six weeks to go!  
first pair of real maternity pants! haha.


  1. Hey, What is that tattoo? Is it a breast cancer ribbon? Or possibly a military ribbon? Doesn't look like it's filled in yet, right?

  2. Its a breast cancer one for my grandma, but I got the outline like two weeks before I got pregnant. Now I have to wait til November to get it finished! haha. Hopefully it will hold up through my pregnancy, I REALLY wish I would've thought about having kids hahaha.

  3. haaha. That's pretty funny. Any other new tattoos since I've seen you?

  4. that's my only new addition. haha. Now I just have to wait to fix it or whatever, after November...
