Thursday, August 5, 2010

third trimester.

My little Avery has done a lot of growing the last few weeks.  And these are a few of her latest accomplishments:  She weighs a little over two pounds, her retinas are developing and she can detect light (which is why she kicks at Chris when he shines a flashlight on my belly.)  She is also having hiccups more, because she's practicing breathing.  She's forming her own sleeping patterns right now, which are the opposite of mine.  She kicks when I lay down for bed, and wakes me up every morning around four or five by stomping on my bladder.  haha.  I love my little Avery Jane so much, and I can't wait to meet her. 

My body has changed so much from gaining WAY more weight than I ever intended, to horrible headaches and leg cramps, heart palpitations, and swollen feet and fingers.  I can't wear my wedding ring or half the maternity clothes I got.  I never anticipated pregnancy to be so hard, but I am more than willing to go through anything for this little lady.  I've had so many friends have babies recently, and I'm so thankful for all of their support and advice, and for the support of the rest of my friends and family.  Its been hard being so far away from home, but its amazing to still feel so loved.


  1. What a little cutie pie. Have you ordered her some squeaky shoes yet? :)

  2. I was looking at them online last night. I can't decide which pair to get. I'm sure I'll have to get a few different styles and sizes because they're ALL so cute! Chris said he saw a little boy with a pair on and he thought it was the cutest thing ever, he's even excited for her to wear them. haha!

  3. haha. Good! I'd glad. :) Denver's been talking babies a ton lately- it's so cute, I love it. It's just funny because he's kind of skipping a step... But it'll happen. We actually looked at rings yesterday. He was so unexpectedly into it- asking questions and looking for rings he thought I'd like. It was adorable. I get so excited about all of it.

    You have to show me what you end up getting. :)

  4. also, where are more pics!? :) I want to see your current baby bump.

  5. that's adorable! i better be home for your wedding, that's all i'm saying haha. you guys will have adorable kids. [: aww!! and i'll post a new picture sooon. i'm kinda sick of carrying this "bump" around, but i know i'll miss being pregnant once i finally have her!

  6. haha, so long as you plan on being back in Utah by 2012, you should be able to attend our one-day-wedding. Did you see Whitney Pasker's getting married!? I just got the announcement yesterday. They're pretty cute together. Aimee Jackson, too- this Saturday.
    I can't WAIT for the day when Denver and I have a kid. Gives me butterflies just imagining it... We're both just not ready for that. We need more time to be selfish and irresponsible. :) ha
